The team at Carolina Insurance Professionals hopes that this blog finds you well during this unprecedented time. We wanted to connect with North Carolina residents to provide some basic information concerning health insurance during COVID-19. Our goal is to provide you with information that will guide our readers through the coming weeks.
There are a few things we’d like to make you aware of:
- Unfortunately, layoffs are happening across the state of North Carolina. If you find yourself in that position, we can help advise you on your options. If you have lost health insurance coverage, you have 60 days from loss of coverage to secure new coverage.
- If you are currently receiving a subsidy through the Affordable Health Care Act, you can update your income if your projected income has changed. If you are a current client of ours, simply contact us and we will help you make the change.
- If you are insured with Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC, you can find out the latest information on COVID-19 by visiting BCBSNC.
- If you are insured with Ambetter, you can find information at Ambetter.
- If you are insured with Bright Health, you can find information at Bright Health.
- We will continue to update all our social media platform (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) in the coming weeks. Start following us today!
As a small family-owned North Carolina business, our goal is to always give our customers the best customer service and we will continue to do that during these challenging days. Our team is here to answer any questions that you have so don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Posted in General Info, Health