Health Insurance Enrollment When Moving to North Carolina

When you move to a new state, there are a lot of official changes to make. From mail forwarding to updating your driver’s license to registering to vote, there is plenty to remember. Did you know that updating your health insurance coverage should be at the top of the list after moving to the state?

NC Health Insurance Special Enrollment Life Events

If you just moved to North Carolina, you qualify for a special health insurance enrollment during any time of the year. There are many qualifying life events (QLE’s) that qualify for a special enrollment period.  Moving to a new state is one of the most often overlooked. During your special enrollment period, you can apply for subsidies in NC.  You can also, switch insurance plans, or sign up for a new health insurance policy in North Carolina.

North Carolina Special Enrollment Time Frame

After moving to a new state, you can qualify for a 60-day special enrollment period. If you miss this time frame, you and your family will have to wait until the next open enrollment in November.

Avoiding Expensive Health Insurance Mistakes when Moving

Applying for subsidies and purchasing affordable health insurance on the health insurance exchange in NC can be confusing. To avoid making a costly mistake, it is important to work with a professional health insurance agent.  When moving to a new state an agent can answer all your questions.  They can also help you find the insurance plan that is right for you and your family.

We can help you settle into North Carolina with confidence and great insurance coverage. Contact us to learn about your health insurance options in North Carolina, find a health insurance plan that’s right for your lifestyle, apply for subsidies, and enroll in affordable insurance today.