Big news for 2021 – if you lost health insurance coverage during 2020, you may be eligible to enroll in a plan for 2021 even though you missed the traditional open enrollment period. The Covid-19 has impacted so many aspects of our lives-including health insurance coverage for some people.
North Carolina residents who lost qualifying coverage since January 1, 2020, and missed the deadline to enroll in Marketplace coverage may now qualify to enroll in Marketplace coverage through a Special Enrollment Period (SEP). Typically, an SEP is a 60-day window for people who experience a life status change, but the rules have changed do the impacts of the Coronavirus.
Confused about the ins and outs of this Special Enrollment period – we are here to help. We know that job changes, income changes and household changes are impacting millions of Americans and we can help simplify the health insurance process for you.
Let our expert knowledge of North Carolina health insurance plans and networks guide you to the ideal health insurance plan for 2021.
Our services are free, but our knowledge is invaluable – give us a call and let’s start the conversation today!